hosting holiday

5 Tips to Hosting The Perfect Holiday

Written by: Emily 

Just because you are the host, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the holidays!

Do As Much in Advance as Possible

Plan to spread your cleaning and prepare food so that you don’t have to do it all in the few days leading up to the main event. Things can be done a week in advance, such as ironing your linen and polishing your glassware and silverware! This allows you to do things more pleasantly. I usually list all that needs to be done and divide these tasks over the remaining days before the arrival of my guests. If you leave everything until the last minute, you are exhausted and burned out and can not relax and spend time with friends and family.

Organize Your Entry Way

This is the first thing your guests see when they arrive in a frequently overlooked area. It’s also where you put coats, shoes, scarves, parasols, bags, etc. You want it to be clean, organized and have room for everyone to put their items. Move most items into your bedroom or a temporary closet for the day or weekend. Your guests appreciate the easily accessible place to place their belongings. If you don’t have a coat closet, it can be good to have a shoe and a coat rack.

Let Your Personal Style Shine

It’s okay to get ideas and inspiration from Instagram or Pinterest, but make sure that you have your own personal style. Not everything must match or look like it in Martha Stewart Magazine, as long as your guests walk in and notice your decorative style.

Bust Out The Good Stuff

You know your grandmother’s China, or the nice silver you registered for but never used? Use it! Use it! This is the time when these pieces should be displayed. If you have other family heirlooms or things that you have inherited, such as a punch bowl or a platter, try to incorporate them. Have you been given a special item as a gift? (Bonus points if the gift giver is present at the party!) Make sure it is cleaned and brought out of storage so that you can use it.

Ask For Help

Whether you want some people to bring apps or are cleaning up, it’s okay to ask for help. Nobody expects you to do all. Most people would like to help and feel like participating in the festivities. Let them! Let them! Be ready for your helpers with a bottle of wine. They’re going to thank you later.


Bonus tip: Get fresh flowers for the entrance table, kitchen island, coffee table and bathroom. Flowers always bring a fresh, welcoming atmosphere.

December 11, 2018
December 24, 2018


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